Dewayne A. Beery and Cynthia Steiger Beery Graduate Scholarship in Childhood Education Fund

Description: Provides one scholarship annually to a student enrolled as a MIITC student in the Childhood Education Initial (CEI) program and have a science and/or physics background.
Requirements: Must be enrolled as a MIITC (Master including Initial Teacher Certification) student in the Childhood Education Initial (CEI) Program, have a science and/or physics background, have financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office, and be in good academic standing
Semester(s) Awarded: Fall/Spring.
Renewable: No, however, students may apply and receive more than once if selected by the committee.

Cynthia Steiger Beery
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you enrolled a Master including Initial Teaching Certification (MIITC) student in the Childhood Education Initial Certification (CEI) program?
  2. Describe your educational or professional background in science and/or physics.