Cappella Bard School of Education Scholarship in Applied Literacy

Description: The Cappella Bard School of Education Scholarship in Applied Literacy is designed to support students with a declared major that includes the promotion of applied literacy. One scholarship will be awarded annually.
Requirements: have a declared major in the Elementary Education, Literacy, and Educational Leadership Department (undergraduate, graduate, or certificate of advanced studies), the Exceptional Education Department, working toward a master’s degree in education in the Speech Language-Pathology Department, or a declared major in English Education, be in good academic standing with their department, participated in or plan to participate in an applied literacy project to give back to the local, national, or international community
Semester(s) Awarded: Fall and Spring
Renewable: No, however student may apply and receive more than once if determined to be the most qualified candidate.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Have you participated in or do you plan to participate in an applied literacy project to give back to the local, national, or international community? detailed in a statement of no more than 500 words that includes a review of the student’s participation (future participation) in the literacy project, the anticipated goals of the project, how it has impacted (will impact) the community, and how it has (will) influenced the student.