Leonard and Irene Sikora
Leonard Sikora received his bachelor’s degree in industrial arts education from Buffalo State College in 1950 and subsequently received a master’s degree from the University of Buffalo, graduating magna cum laude. He was an educator for over 40 years, teaching all subjects and grades. His forward thinking led to the first Home Mechanics classes for girls in New York State in the early 1950s. He also coordinated programs for the New York State Association for the Blind, Buffalo Public Schools, and the American Vocational Association. As a secondary school administrator, he was instrumental in the establishment of an honors high school in the City of Buffalo.
Following his retirement, Governor Mario Cuomo appointed Mr. Sikora to the Skilled Workers Emeritus Program, where he helped organize programs stressing the importance of skilled trades and engineering for young people in the Albany and Western New York areas. He was also an active member of retired teacher organizations, serving as President of the Western Zone of the New York State Retired Teachers Association (NYSRTA), and as vice president for membership (NYSRTA), and as community service coordinator for both NYSRTA, the National Retired Teachers Association, and AARP.
Leonard Sikora and his wife Irene Sikora established this scholarship to support and encourage students to pursue a degree in technology education.