Joseph and Mary Jean Daly Varga
Joseph Varga and Mary Jean Daly Varga met at Buffalo State College and earned their degrees in Industrial Arts and Home Economics respectively in 1943. They have been active participants in alumni events from modeling in the annual Alumni Association Fashion Show to serving as co-chairs for their Golden Anniversary Reunion Celebration. Since 1993, Joe has served as MC for the “50 Plus” Reunion activities and has been instrumental in establishing the annual Buffalo State College Alumni Armed Services Reunion. As an active member of the Women’s Federation, Jean was instrumental in securing scholarship funding for deserving Buffalo State College students. As a couple, the Vargas served as Buffalo State College Ambassadors, attended Alpha Society events, Buckham Society luncheons, and were members of the all class golden anniversary scholarship selection committee.
In tribute to the strong and lasting affinity with Buffalo State Joe and Jean have exercised for more than 64 years, in December 2006 they established the Joseph and Mary Jean Daly Varga ’43 Scholarship Fund for students majoring in Exceptional Education.